Monday, April 2, 2012

Gladiatrix II: In the Shadows of Darkness - Week 18 Update

  • I spent last week doing my own testing and just released the module for beta testing
  • The beta testers have been great! In just two days they've given me some valuable information and hunted down a few glitches for me to fix
  • I'll probably be working with the beta testers for the next couple of weeks and making adjustments. When the testing phase is complete I plan to release what I've done so far as Gladiatrix II and post it on the vault. 
  • I will continue to work on Gladiatrix III as long as people like the module and have an interest in seeing the story continue. 


  1. Someone mentioned to me that the email I sent for beta test instructions ended up in their junk folder. So if you wanted to beta test and didn't get my email see if it got filed as junk. I haven't rejected anyone who wanted to be a beta tester :)

    1. I,ve been busy the last few weeks and missed your call for beta testers. Am I too late? Please say I'm not too late!

    2. Hi. I sent you an email on how to download the beta version.

  2. Congrats on achieving Hall of Fame status.

  3. Well-deserved HOF status. Also, I might add I'm about to have three Devonshire/ford's waiting to finish the series. So yeah, there's interest for more. ;) But then, I think you knew that from my Beta comments. hehe

  4. Will there be an update this week?

    1. Hi. I'm just doing some cleanup on the module after beta testing so I don't really have any significant updates to post. After I'm finished with the adjustments I'll be releasing the module on the vault in a week or two.

  5. Have you though of putting your mods up at

    1. I uploaded Gladiatrix to the Nexus site. I'm not sure if it will survive there or not because of this statement in the terms:

      >>If your file contains graphic scenes including but not limited to nudity, sex, masturbation, rape or torture then you increase your chances of Nexus staff removing your content at their own discretion and without warning.<<

      So if they are sensitive to sexual content it might get zapped to oblivion.

    2. Considering the amount of sex mods for Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas on that site I don't think Gladiatrix will be at risk for removal.

  6. Still some adult mods did disappear from that site. For instance the endorsement page for 'Novas Shelter' a Fallout 3 mod is still there, but the mod gone. I read in the forums that one modder (aliensloth or something) removed all his/her stuff in frustration with the owner of the nexus sites. So I guess the Nexus is not a reliable place for hosting adult mods.

  7. I think Nexus will remove any content which main focus is sex. Nudity is allow though.
    By the way, is Gladiatrix II close to final release? The waiting is killing me @__@.

    1. I'm planning on the full release of Gladiatrix II on the vault by the end of the weekend. I'm going to try my best to have it ready by then.

    2. That's great news!

  8. Forgive me my impatience, but...

    1. Ha ha, I like that! I'm glad to know that people are looking forward to the new release. I've got just a few more things to add. Then I'll be doing a run through of the module tomorrow. So I'm targeting late Sunday for the release. If for some reason I fail to meet that then I'll post here and let you all know where I'm at. But I'm really hoping to have it released tomorrow.

  9. Addition to the Beta!? Fallyn I love you!! ^0^

    1. There will be a few extra side quests, a few more encounters, added some things suggested by the beta testers and added some extra conversation options here and there. Just a few things to keep it interesting for the testers. I might not have done as much with the conversation choices as some would have liked. I can promise that the most time consuming aspect of all this is building conversation trees! At least for me. I can build an area loaded with encounters and placeables in less time than I can build one conversation that lasts maybe a minute in game time. Anyway, I'm excited to finally get to release this. Hopefully later today :)

  10. Just wanted to give an update. It doesn't look like I'm going to meet my goal of releasing Gladiatrix II today :( It always seems to take longer than I expect. I'm fairly confident that what I've put together is in good shape but I don't think it would be best for me to post it without completing my thorough test. So I'll aim for Monday. Thanks for hanging in there everyone!

    1. Don't burn yourself out. We don't mind waiting a bit longer =D

    2. Yes, take yourself time. :)

  11. Update: Well, everything is completely done except that stupid resurrection bug has come back. The henchmen won't always come back to life when using the resurrection rod. I thought I had it fixed. It's really hard to track down why it's happening because it doesn't happen all the time. It usually happens after fighting dragons. I'm wondering if it has to do with the number of HP in the negative a character has. Such as -50 hp it won't let them resurrect. I don't know where that setting is if it exists. I'm still trying to find the pattern for when it happens versus when it doesn't. So this is going to delay my release a little grrrr. Any experts on resurrection conditions out there? Or if there is a negative hp limit?

    1. God of programming, where are thou when we need you? >.<

  12. HP shouldn't matter. My guess is it's timing related. NWN can be dumb about canceling parts of scripts when something else touches an actor involved. Post your resurrection script.

  13. I wonder if something happened during the fight to turn the NPCs hostile (happens sometimes since NPCs can be too indiscriminate with their spell use) and if that screws up this somehow.

  14. Can you heal this resurrection-bug via save and reload? Perhaps it doesn't work if the programm is still in combat-mode.

    Nevertheless your module is fantastic, keep up the good work and take your time.

    And if you can't solve the bug, don't worry even professional game-companies release their programms with some bugs.

  15. There is completely no reason to touch the stock resurrection script. It appears that assigning SetIsDestroyable(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE) to any NPC allows them to be resurrected without trouble.

    As expected, it doesn't seem to matter wheter the creature ends up with -10, -50 or -1000 HP or if it was killed in standard combat or through EffectDamage.

    Just make sure "Leaves a Lootable Corpse" property is on so you can access their inventory.

    The only problem is that once you take all items, the corpse becomes unresponsible! Perhaps it should turn into "body bag" item at that moment...

  16. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, 'O Anonymous One'! :)
    I had SetIsDestroyable(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE) - stupid default script.

    After 5 battle tests it works like a charm. The henches I set with the updated script rise every time. The henches I set with the old script stay in the dirt nap half the time. Not sure why it's random but I don't care now.

    I'm going out after work tonight. Then I'll post the module. Thanks everyone for the quick replies!

    1. Great news! I am waiting for it eagerly :).

    2. Great! Oh, and have fun tonight! :)

  17. Gladiatrix II has been submitted to the vault! I forgot that it goes into an approval queue before showing up :( Hopefully it won't take too long.

    1. Maybe alternative download links? =D

    2. Guess we won't be playing tonight...

    3. Module:



  18. I got a Effect List Overflow bug around the time I stab the headmaster. I replay the scene a few times, and the bug seems to pop up randomly during that event. Not sure what's causing it.

    1. I've never gotten that. Are you able to continue past it?

    2. The error message is:
      "Effect List Overflow: (xxx>500) OID:800000bfb Tag: Noristew"
      xxx start at 501 and keep increasing overtime.

      This occurs around the time of the dex check.

    3. I found out what happened. During the dungeon survival test, I was suppose to get a dagger, but somehow I didn't get it. After the test, the script was trying to take away the dagger which I don't have. So, my guess is that the script was looping over and over again which caused the effect list to accumulate over 500 items.

    4. Never mind, I still get the same error after a while.

  19. I didn't play much after I got the bug, but it's just some kind of error message that pop up on the bottom right conversation history tab. Also, it won't show anything unless I turn on DebugMode (was trying to find all the new encounters you add to the game).
    I was able to leave the mage school and continue the story. But during the last combat in the mage school, I can't seem to use the spell from my amulet. When I cast fireball, my character would just stand still. Not sure if they are related though.

  20. I played through already and liked it a lot :). Thank you and I hope you'll make the third (and fourth and so on!) part.

  21. Just wanted to say thank you! I had soo much fun playing part 2.
    I think I speak for everyone when I say we hope you start working on part 3 asap!

  22. Very interesting...Braxton Dale, hm? Someone's been playing Team Fortress 2, or reading comic books recently, am I right?

    1. LOL I've never played Team Fortress 2 or heard of the name in comic books. I had no idea the name was used somewhere else. Honest :)

    2. It sounds an awful lot like Saxton Hale. Uncanny!

  23. Hello and thk you for these great modules

    I have found a strange bug

    ****************************** Attention Spoiler Ahed ***********************************

    After the magic academy, for some reason Sierra seem to stop her movement. For example run and then stop (before reach the end), or attack two times and then stop etc. The bug start appear after the gauntlet in Academy and i can't find any way to make it disappear, even with restarting the same problem continue to appear. It is not very important but can be very frustate in some times (for example in a fight with a dragon).

    **************************** End of spoiler *********************

    Keep up the good work and thk you again for these wonderful modules

    1. Same here. It took me ages to figure out what happened. After you defeat Noristew (the melee lesson student), something went wrong with the script. If you stand still for around 10 mins, the error message "Effect List Overflow: (xxx>500) OID:800000bfb Tag: Noristew" will pop up.

    2. Really weird. I've never had that happen and none of the beta testers reported it. Are you sure the name is Noristew because he is tagged Norister in my module. After the arena fight at the mage school that instance of Norister is done in the module. Is there a debug command to delete Norister? If so maybe try deleting him and see if the error goes away. I looked and couldn't find a debug command that deletes objects, though.

      I'll try and see if I can make the error happen. Were you doing anything in particular during the Norister fight? Such as special moves?

    3. Oops, fool by my own handwriting. It should be Norister not Noristew.
      I was one of the beta testers as well, I definitely don't have this problem during beta. Maybe it's something you add after the beta?

    4. Yes, it was a script I added after beta testing. It was to fix the bug if someone used knockdown on Norister that he wouldn't get hostile after falling. I guess I ended up breaking it even more lol. It should be fixed now on the new version I uploaded to the vault and my dropbox. Description should say v1.1

  24. Hello

    I do some tests to try to find what happened. First of all, in my case the name in the msg is Norister. Second, after the fight for some reason, Norister continue to appear as hostile even after i beat him. When i try to change his faction, (with the md_setfaction command) and make it neutral, the msg don't appear, however the bug continue to happened. But when i try to load a save after the fight, the msg appear and the bug appear too.
    The next try is to instant kill Norister (with debug command) however it appear to be unkillable, so no luck.
    I for myself don't use any special moves, just plain attack. But it appear that the bug starting to appear in the duration of the fight because some times (not always thou) Norister seems to stop fighting you and start again after your attack.

  25. "Effect List Overflow" sounds like you are applying some effects (eg. knockdown) within an infinite loop. This also causes resting progress to stop, which is extra annoying because of those 5-minute timeouts and the fact it ruins the cleric chick's spellcasting.

    You delete objects by killing them through debug window ("."); "Noristew" is just a typo.

  26. Are you using a knockdown script that triggers once
    Noristers health drops below a certain point?
    The game might repeatedly trigger that script because his health doesn't get restored after the fight.
    In that case healing Norister might work.

    1. Looks like I was right. The offending script is noristerheartbea.nss:

      // ===== CODE BEGIN =====

      if (mHitPoints < 15)
      effect eEffect;
      eEffect = EffectKnockdown();

      ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eEffect, OBJECT_SELF);


      AssignCommand (oPC, ClearAllActions (TRUE));



      // ===== CODE END =====

      So every six seconds you add another three effects to him and clear all player's actions. The best fix is to obliterate him once you teleport PC to another room. This also frees up CPU so it doesn't waste its cycles on now-useless heartbeat.

    2. Ugh, above reply should have been added below PREVIOUS anonymous comment, where I mention knockdown for the first time, but nevermind.

      You actually have a noristerondamage script which does exactly the same. I guess his heartbeat script is a leftover from previous coding and may be removed altogether.

    3. Thanks for the finds and taking the time to research this for me. You guys are great! I'm going to add a script to delete Norister after transporting out of the arena. Or I'll check that heartbeat script, although I'll probably just delete him to be on the safe side. That should eliminate the looping script. Then I'll reload the module file to the vault since it's still awaiting approval. I hope that doesn't bump me to the back of the queue and delay the release but I think it's important I get the fix in.

    4. Would you upload it somewhere else other than Vault, so we don't have to wait for approval?

  27. Okay, I've fixed the looping script bug by deleting the instance of Norister after transporting out of the arena. I've uploaded the fixed module to the vault queue.

    For those who want to try the module before it gets approved on the vault I posted the updated version on my dropbox.

    All I ask is that when they do post it on the vault, please don't forget to vote and comment :)

  28. Is there a delay on the second airship? Going to the swamps, and nothing seems to be happening.

    1. A conversation should start right when you enter the airship. If a conversation didn't start it could have been an accidental escape or clicking before the area completed loading. Do you have a save prior to going on the airship? If so then try a prior save. If you don't have a save you can try to kick off the conversation by running the script through debug mode.

      - Hit the tilde key ~ to the left your number one
      - DebugMode 1 <-- type that and you'll get a success message in upper left
      - Hit tilde key
      - dm_runscript airshipmarshland <-- type that command
      - hopefully your conversation will start. after it is complete exit debug mode by doing the next steps
      - tilde key
      - DebugMode 0

      I hope you have a prior save in case the conversation doesn't kickoff from the debug command.

  29. Just want to thank you for all your hard work. I really enjoyed Gladiatrix II! =D

    For additional quest, are there just 2 extra fetch quests right? Am I missing any? Also, is Gladiatrix a trilogy? Or we can expect a lot more module from you in the future? =)

    1. Thanks! Here are the additions to the game since beta:
      - Sentry post outside the Mystwood
      - Blacksmith quest
      - Transaldar's House of Exotics quest
      - Lookout tower with encounter east of the gladiator arena
      - Encounter with Shallo by the fountains
      - Mansion in southwest portion of the city
      - Basement area in the gentlemen's club
      - Drinking contest in the Capeside Inn plus patron encounters
      - Another new cave area in the Badlands

      I'm planning on Gladiatrix being a trilogy. Then I'll probably need a break for awhile :)

    2. Glad to know! Would love to see how the story goes.

  30. Some bugs reports and comments:
    -Except Kristaly, everyone has an own house. Everyone is being worried about her, yet she is never mentioned later.
    -When PC is stripped before diving into lake, her creature skin is also taken away (just iterate to NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS-2)
    -Diving does not banish summons so they happily prance on the lake's bottom, plus they don't suffocate. Also, PC starts to drown almost immediately - why not let her hold breath for some time, eg. for a number of seconds equal to constitution score?)
    -Once you save the boy, PC is invited for a dinner and spends a night at his family house - a blackout would be nice to simulate that something is actually happening and that time flows fast forward.
    -The cage manager female at the Lounge says she still studies at the "Magular" academy.
    -"Leaves a Lootable Corpse" was a bad idea - it's just too easy to end up with permanently dead henchmen. Better switch it off. They don't carry any useful stuff in their pockets anyway.
    -Nobody protects their equipment (even armor) => free money. Best example is the girl at academy: you will never see her again but she's cool with leaving her robe behind.
    -Denny respawns in the same spot after running away.
    -Harlot asks "why the hood?" even when PC is not wearing it.
    -Gavin's head does not disappear from his model (this is nitpicking)
    -Mistress T. changes her armor in front of PC after the conversation when you leave her room.
    -PC is impressed with Braxton's "equipment" even though she could have already got ahold of it in the bath (pun intended).
    -Who and for what purpose made the pillar beneath the desert area? How does the priestess know about the plague? Why does she care about it if you need an airship to get there? I also expected Tessa to get a level in the undead class; unfortunately, she didn't...

    1. Thanks, I'll check these out.
      I can't figure out the Denny thing. Someone else reported it in beta testing. It doesn't happen for me and I don't see how he is respawning since I delete the instance of that character when he runs away. He's just a character who gets transported to a different location at night and then back to the docks in the day time. I'm baffled how he's respawning for people when the script deletes him after running away. He never spawns to begin with. He's just there and moves to a different location.

    2. Perhaps it is related to sloppy coding of his and Sparky's hearbeat scripts.
      First, their scripts shove them around unconditionally, so if he is running away and his heart beats, he will be moved back to daytime waypoint. Honestly, I have no idea if and how this prevents DestroyObject from executing.
      Second, you have two conditionals which are true when hour is equal to 7 (hour <= 7 then hour >= 7, no "else if" statement) which causes them to blink in and out once, then appear normally when the clock hits 8. This is minor issue.

      BTW, the module has been approved by the vault.

      Do you accept reviews? How would you like to receive them? How honest and critical you'd like them to be?

    3. Thanks, I'll check the script out. Yes, I do accept reviews. How honest and critical would I like them to be? That's kind of a loaded question. Of course I want honesty and positive constructive criticism. I certainly don't expect false praise. 'You suck' comments don't serve me any value and luckily I haven't really gotten any of those yet.

      While I'm very open to the critiques one thing that is a little bit of a downer is a lot of people will spend one or two sentences on what they liked about it and then spend several paragraphs on what they didn't like or what they wish was in the module. Or they simply say, "Great module" then launch into the critique. So I guess I hear more negative than positive but that might be the nature of the review cycle.

      On the flip side, I see short little modules posted on the vault that have only a fraction of the content mine does and are plagued with errors. Those modules will get a lot of tens or "This is the best ever!" comments. I'm not sure I understand this trend.

      Over the past year I've donated a huge chunk of my life to put these together. I need to know if it is worth the time spent. If my modules come across as 'Meh' or 'Take it or leave it' or 'just okay' then it isn't worth the time spent for me to continue. Anyway, please do give an honest review because that is ultimately what I need.

    4. Sorry, I wasn't going to make any unjustified assumptions. Perhaps it was poorly worded, but I just wanted to know wheter you:
      -prefer general feedback or more detailed analysis
      -have a limit of intrusion into your module (with suggestions)
      -prefer straightforward or more subtle approach
      -want to hear people here or through email, etc
      (Generally, things useful to know.)

      You may hear more negative than positive feedback in comments because if something is good, then there is little reason to babble about it and may be sumarized in a one or two paragraphs. It's pretty much harder to point out what and WHY something else feels wrong.

      Naturally, if someone lacks their own standpoint or has too-high expectations they may end up with worthless comments as all-praising fanboy or a bored/jealous troll.

      It is always worth the time spent, even if turns out to be "just okay". It wouldn't be if you didn't enjoy the design process, didn't release anything after all the work done or, eventually, nobody got interested in the module.

    5. Any helpful feedback is perfectly fine with me. I don't feel anything is off limits or needs to be sugar coated. The positive comments are the motivation that keep me going. The constructive criticism I use to make myself better at this. I've used a lot of the feedback I got from the last module as a guide for building this module. Everyone has their own set of likes and dislikes so I have to determine if it's useful for me or not. A lot of the technical stuff is very useful, particularly things that might be buggy or just don't technically work well. The story elements are more subjective.

  31. Does killing the mayor have any huge consequence in the next game?

    1. No consequence planned. Your character is moving on from Nova's Cape in the next module with no plans to return.

  32. Bug reports on version 1.1, released via your May 3 DropBox link:

    1. Geoff gets "killed" if you return to the lake after rescuing him.
    2. The extra hill path at Bantam Hills should be blocked off. I was wandering through its length for a while before realising that it probably goes nowhere but was still forced to finish exploring it anyway to make sure that there was nothing on it.
    3. Gentlemen's Club Doorwoman does not remember if you have already entered the men's side and will repeat her original speech.
    4. Naughty massage scene at the lounge not naughty enough. No description of how you cleaned up Kente's spend. Do you wipe it off or do you eat it?
    5. Emmalynn's Robe has a wrong description, saying it was Tessa's panties.

    Comment (warning spoilers):

    This is a very nice sequel, I certainly enjoyed playing through the new experience, although there are also parts which I didn't liked. Especially the sex scenes as they lacked a running sex dialogue, so it was somewhat boring to sit through it as a voyeur. I think that this was the same problem that you had back in part one.

    Also, if your lover was Landon, once in Nova Cape, it felt like there was no reference to him at all. Especially in the context of Braxton, where you somehow feel possessive of Braxton despite having a lover and acknowledged that he was good for a series of one-night stands.

    Braxton's introduction sequence was well done and fairly enjoyable. The most jarring aspect of it was that you had to skip a lot of time manually. It would be nice if the followup conversations with Tameer includes a time skip, so we don't have to use the pillow three times in a row. I get rather disturbed with the idea of sleeping 24 hours for a few consecutive days.

    I loved the threesomes, but I am disappointed that only one of the women gets to finish with the man. I certainly would like to take turns with Tessa. And some guys are good for a second round, although they would have to work for it and this is taking place in a fantasy world.

    And here's to hoping that a future update to the Cheviot Cave scene, where after rescuing Emmalynn and helping Braxton destress, you get to talk to Emmalynn and learn of what she really thinks of her near rape and Tessa's and your sluttish behaviour in regards to Braxton. There is good potential for some character development for the girls at that moment.

    I was a bit disappointed to end up in a swamp once again for the penultimate battle. While visually unique, they're not pleasant places to explore. And the baby dragons scene, oh that was so cruel! And crueler still was the lack of reference to letting the baby dragons live! If you are going to force such a painful decision upon us, please at least give us the satisfaction of a proper follow up instead of pushing it into some obscure footnote.

    Thank you very much for creating the second part. And I look forward to playing the third part of your trilogy.

    And thank you very much for the alternate download links. I'll be sure to vote when the module goes live.

    1. Thanks for the comments! Originally, this series was meant to be in two parts. This module got long enough to where I decided to make it a trilogy. So Landon and Kristaly haven't had a chance to show up yet, but you will definitely learn of their whereabouts in the next module.

  33. For anyone who has CEP 2.3 but doesn't want to do the 1 gig download for CEP 2.4 I posted the necessary hak files for 2.4 on my dropbox. Only 57 meg download for the zip with the two extra hak files that are needed.

  34. Hej FallynRayne

    First I would like to say that I love your module, just found them yesterday as a refrens from a friend.

    As noted I do love them, The first Gladiatrix was very good but I do admit I was lost in the beginning, The first quest "Training with Captain Cardus" - you are told to talk to the noble but after you do that the quest doesn't update, which in my case left me 30 mins to learn that I wasn't missing anything and I could leave lol - A small jurnal update would be nice but it is really just nit-picking :) - the FAQ was good, and mostly glances at it just to see if I was missing any side quest as they are hard to find and no triggers seam to indicate them.
    - All in all the module is very good, but can feel a little rushed. would vote a 8 - :)

    Part 2 - In the Shadows of Darkness
    That one left me a little sad I must admit - who ever you romanced in Part one doesn't seam to exist in part 2 (except Tessa) - and only if you go and read the books are they mentioned- in case of Landon, you get a hint that he hopes for a last meting before he is of, but noting happen even if you go to rest 24 hours.
    Also Braxton seams to be rather forced on you character, as she seams to be very possessive of him even if in the baths you chose the "rape".
    The story is very compelling and pulls you in, and so didn't see the lizard men angle coming lol - loved that :) -

  35. FallynRayne , when are you going to create a post about gladiatrix 3 so we can start talking about it and give you some ideas?

    Or , maybe it's because you are planning to unveal it at E3 and suprise us?

    Either way , you rock and good work!

    1. Thanks! Yes, I'll be creating a gladiatrix 3 blog. I'll start it in a week or two :)

  36. Really enjoyed this module. I think a much improved mod over the 1st one. And that one was pretty good in its own right.

    I downloaded the module from the link that was provided here. I was too impatient to wait for the Vault to approve the mod. :) But I didn't really see any major bugs. No issues with overflows or that little loop where the guy was beaten. Maybe all that was fixed just before it got sent to the Vault(?) Anyway, I didn't have any encounters with major bugs.

    Have to pretty much echo the comments of rdde (poster above). Excellent work. More things to do around town. Have a question though....does the encounter in the sentry tower (the one where the poor guy is distraught and wants to end it all over losing his gf) lead anywhere? Or is it done after he leaves the tower? Just curious as I didn't see him again in the game.

    I really thought the little Braxton/Emmalynn (I think is her name, the priestess) was well played out. Maybe I wished for a little more. Especially since there was that note of there might be consequences for the group after that point. Outside of a line or two, I didn't see anything majorly change there with the group dynamics. Still I thought it was very well done. Especially having the option of me and Tessa (or at least myself) find everything leading up to it oddly arousing. Either way I kinda wish there would have been more afterwards..either if you went to attempt to put a stop to it (maybe me and Tessa would be his next targets?) or maybe Emmalynn knowing we stood by and did nothing and really got pissed off at us to the point of maybe even leaving(?) Just a couple of quick thoughts I had about that.

    Are you going to add more content to this sequel or are you going for basic bug fixes and moving on to the next one? Regardless am looking forward to the next installment! Thanks! Loved this mod!


    1. Thanks JC! Nothing else pans out from the distraught guy on the tower. That's just a little side encounter I added after beta testing.

      I'm only planning basic bug fixes for now because I'll be working on Gladiatrix III :)

  37. Great Mod! Really liked it! I loved that you can complete an assignment in different ways, that has made the mod more interesting, and replayable.
    Maybe it would be even better, if the main charcter's actions, have more consequences, would open unique features, conversations, or forbid something, not only items, something like the priestes won't join you, if you are too evil.

    Anyway THX for this adventure!


  38. Outstanding work. Thoroughly enjoyed playing and re-playing both of them. I'm sure I speak for all of your fans when I say the we appreciate the sheer amount of effort you put forth to produce these modules for our enjoyment. Keep up the good work and I'm eagerly awaiting the next in the series.

    Terrific stuff!


  39. Сool module!
    I want to part 3 :)


  40. Just finished Gladiatrix 1, can't wait to get on with Gladiatrix 2! Really looking forward to a third installment already!

  41. Humm having trouble playing. It won't finish loading the My cottage area and just gets stuck.

  42. Just found this mod and it is great. Haven't played the first
    one. Only problem I have had is finding my contact in the city.
    But I will keep looking. After I finish this one, I will have to
    try the first one. Great work. Thanks for your effort.

  43. Is there a walkthrough available? I've played the mod twice and liked it, but I'm thinking there's a few details and side quests I'm overlooking.
